While the diplomatic community works to address security issues in Haiti, Haitians do their best to live their lives. After June rains in Port-au-Prince. Photo by Marvens Compere for The Haitian Times

Observers of Haitian political maneuvers waited for a report,  due August 15, to the United Nations Security Council on what’s to happen next for Haiti. It would tick off another box on the long list of checkpoints to help the crisis-plagued country.

That week, Human Rights Watch reported an increasing rise in violence and food insecurity across the nation. Also, a country-wide poll of Haitians determined that 61% of the population was in favor of an armed force deployment.

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J.O. Haselhoef is the author of “Give & Take: Doing Our Damnedest NOT to be Another Charity in Haiti.” She co-founded "Yonn Ede Lot" (One Helping Another), a nonprofit that partnered with volunteer groups in La Montagne ("Lamontay"), Haiti from 2007-2013. She is a 2022 Fellow for the Columbia School of Journalism's Age Boom Academy. She writes and lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.