Special Report – Gangs in Haiti: A deeper look

Gangs in Haiti go as far back as the Tonton Makout of the Duvalier Regime. But with more guns available and less government checking them, today’s neighborhood-based gangs have outsized influence on not only their communities, but the entire country. In this special series, The Haitian Times explores their evolution and potential solutions.

Neighborhood groups for basic services where Haiti’s government has failed, gangs are empowered, filling a leadership vacuum and fueling the country’s long cycle of violence and repression.  

Guns, here’s how they buy it, my friend. It’s all about networking. This person tells the other. The diaspora is a little guilty in selling guns. They buy them in gun shows.

 Jonas Gustave, a Youtuber who blogs about gang activities
History & Current State

Arms smuggling fuels gang violence in Port-au-Prince

At times, Haitians in the diaspora or foreigners, send weapons to Haiti because they believe that it will be used to protect people. But while gang members do protect their territories they also kidnap residents, steal and kill.

Finding loved ones’ bodies in Haiti deepen grief for families, mourners

This story is part of a special investigation into Haiti’s gang crisis and potential solutions. To view the full series visit our special section, Gangs in Haiti: A deeper look. PORT-AU-PRINCE — All Laina Alexis wants is to get her husband’s body back.  But the day after learning Tayson Lartigue and his colleague Frantzsen Charles, two…

taking back control

Taking back control: Legalize Haiti’s gangs, some say

This story is part of a special investigation into Haiti’s gang crisis and potential solutions. To view the full series visit our special section, Gangs in Haiti: A deeper look. In 2007, Ecuador legalized gangs in a major shift called “The Citizens’ Revolution” that aimed to turn the country around. Gangs remade themselves as cultural associations,…

Taking back control: Clean up and empower Haitian police force

This story is part of a special investigation into Haiti’s gang crisis and potential solutions. To view the full series visit our special section, Gangs in Haiti: A deeper look. PORT-AU-PRINCE — A solution popular with many in both the Haitian and international communities is to provide ideal conditions for the Haitian National Police (PNH) to…