Haitians look on as Ambassador members of the United Nations Security Council Mission to Haiti visit the site of a Koren Engineering project in Miragoane. 14 February 2012. Leogane, Haiti. Photo by Victoria Hazou.


Sex education and open dialogue about sex in the Haitian community are crucial to breaking the cycle of ignorance and shame that often comes with taboo subjects like sex. It's time to have uncomfortable conversations for the sake of our children's physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Sex education holds a crucial position in shaping our identities and understanding of existence, yet it remains a topic often accompanied by discomfort and avoidance. In traditional Haitian households, discussions around sex are typically considered taboo and shameful, deemed inappropriate for familial or public discourse. This cultural stigma significantly impacts comprehension of our bodies and our capacity to cultivate healthy relationships, resulting in a dearth of sexual education that leaves many unprepared for the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of sexual activity.

In my experiences traveling and engaging with members of the Haitian diaspora, I’ve observed a prevalent hesitance, discomfort, and outright refusal to address matters related to sex openly. A pervasive fear of judgment and exposure seems to hinder our willingness to engage in these necessary conversations, particularly with our children.

But why do Black parents find it challenging to broach the subject of sex with their children, and who bears the responsibility for initiating these dialogues? Numerous accounts within the Haitian community depict young girls becoming pregnant during high school or adolescence due to a lack of knowledge. I recall one incident where the mother of one of my sister’s friends blamed her daughter’s friends, including my sister, for not preventing her daughter’s pregnancy. This led me to question why the burden falls on friends. Should the responsibility for discussing sex and its consequences lie with friends, schools, or parents?

As a proud Haitian, I firmly believe that it is our collective responsibility, whether within educational institutions or religious settings, to dismantle the silence surrounding sex and actively educate our children. While our upbringing and environment influence our beliefs, values, and attitudes regarding sex, it’s imperative to recognize sex as a natural and normal facet of life. By shying away from conversations about consent, boundaries, and healthy relationships, we perpetuate harmful myths, stereotypes, and behaviors that detrimentally affect our community.

The discomfort and avoidance surrounding sex in the Haitian community also contribute to the lack of sexual education and preparation for sexual activities. Many traditional households view discussions about sex as inappropriate or impure, often grounded in religious beliefs and a desire to uphold family honor and purity. However, this silence breeds harmful consequences such as unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, and the perpetuation of gender stereotypes. It’s worth noting that some readers may already be familiar with this topic. Still, repetition is a powerful tool in educating those who may not have had prior learning opportunities.

Having talked with numerous teenagers and young adults in the Haitian and African diaspora, I’ve encountered shared experiences of inadequate sexual education or reliance on inaccurate information from peers. A Haitian friend of mine once shared her mother’s only advice on sex during her childhood: “pa kite vagabond gaspiyew” – translated as “do not let vagabonds waste you.” Does this statement not inherently carry shame? Why does the natural enjoyment of sex feel intertwined with shame?

Continuing to veil sex in secrecy and shame denies us the chance to learn and evolve as sexual beings, perpetuating harmful myths and misconceptions that can lead to risky behaviors and negative experiences.

Addressing the Silence: Initiating Conversations

Despite the discomfort and taboo associated with discussing sex with parents or elders, some millennials and Gen Z individuals, spanning various racial backgrounds, acknowledge the importance of these conversations. Though initially uncomfortable, as they mature, they recognize the value of seeking advice from parents or other experienced individuals. For instance, one of my friends recalls her father sitting her down during puberty, while another friend’s mother broached the subject when she was between 10 to 12 years old.

The key lessons retained from these conversations include emphasizing personal agency in decisions related to sex, understanding and respecting its power, and maintaining an open line of communication for questions or concerns.

It’s crucial to understand that these conversations don’t necessitate discussing explicit details of sexual acts but rather focusing on consent, respect, and boundaries. Parents and caregivers play a pivotal role in imparting this essential knowledge to their children through ongoing, age-appropriate discussions and access to accurate sexual education resources.

Breaking the Cycle

So, how do we break free from this cycle and foster a healthier, more open dialogue around sex in Haitian culture? Firstly, we must acknowledge that sex is a natural aspect of life devoid of shame. Prioritizing sexual education and open discourse within families and communities is essential. Though this journey may be challenging, we need to confront the stigma and silence surrounding sex, educating ourselves and our children to empower them with knowledge and understanding.

Ultimately, open and honest communication between parents and children regarding sex is imperative. By dismantling the silence and stigma, we equip our children with the necessary guidance to make responsible decisions. This article isn’t about prescribing parenting techniques but underscores the importance of creating a safe space for children to voice questions or concerns.

If there’s one takeaway from this piece, let it be this: as parents, we shape our children’s understanding of sex. By breaking taboos and fostering open communication, we establish an environment where children feel supported and guided in their journey toward healthy relationships. As a community, it’s our responsibility to shatter the cycle of shame and silence, ensuring our youth are equipped with the knowledge needed for a fulfilling and informed sexual life. After all, the tone we set in these conversations can make all the difference—let’s ensure it’s one of understanding, love, and openness.

Ruth Dupiche is a Haitian-American writer and poet, born and raised in Haiti, with a deep passion for exploring and celebrating the complexities of Haitian identity and culture. Growing up in Haiti and earning a degree in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution from Columbia University. Ruth brings a unique perspective to her writing, challenging taboos and sparking meaningful conversations. With a focus on topics such as sex, education, and identity.

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  1. I can attest to how the quiet has affected my life and the decisions I’ve made because I was born and raised in Haiti. Now that I’m a mother of two, I know better, and I’m already trying to incorporate sexual education as age appropriate Ruth. Reading this post reminded me of my first menarche, when my mom told me, “Pitit siw ale gros mw pap okipew de fwa non.” Fantastic job raising this issue.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience and insights on this piece. I know how growing up in a culture where discussions about sexuality are seen as taboo can have an impact on a person’s beliefs and decisions. It’s great to hear that you are actively trying to break the cycle and incorporate sexual education in a responsible and age-appropriate manner for your children. It’s so important for young people to have a healthy understanding of their bodies and relationships.

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