Demonstrators march in Cap-Haitien June 30, 2022, to demand that Prime Minister Ariel Henry step down. This year, residents plan a sit-in at Henry’s house to demand that he resigns. Photo by Oldjy François for The Haitian Times.

CAP-HAITIEN — At least two large demonstrations, a memorial mass and a sit-in are planned to denounce Haiti’s crises as the country laments the lack of progress in the Caribbean nation two years after the assassination of its last president, Jovenel Moïse.

South American mercenaries shot Moïse at least 12 times and wounded his wife, Martine Moïse, while the pair was at their home in Pèlerin 5, Port-au-Prince, in the early morning hours of July 7, 2021. Since then, more than 40 suspects have been arrested and are being held in custody in U.S. custody in Miami. So far, one mastermind, Rodolphe Jaar, has pleaded guilty and was sentenced in June to life in prison.

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Onz Chery is a Haiti correspondent for The Haitian Times. Chery started his journalism career as a City College of New York student with The Campus. He later wrote for First Touch, local soccer leagues in New York and Elite Sports New York before joining The Haitian Times in 2019.