Dame Marie is a small seaside commune located on the western tip of Haiti, in the arrondissement of Anse-d'Hainault, in the Grand'Anse department of Haiti.

Police arrested Wagler Luc, 25, on charges of sexually assaulting a 3-year-old child in southeastern Haiti, a human rights organization told local media. The news – which has infuriated people in the country, abroad and online – came amid efforts to raise awareness about sexual abuse and assault of children that often go unreported.

The child lived with Luc and his girlfriend, who is her godmother, in Dame Marie, a commune close to Jérémie. Gerald Guillaume, the general coordinator of the Departmental Initiative Against Trafficking and Child Trafficking (IDETTE), told Gazette Haiti that Luc brutally raped the child. She became so severely injured that doctors had to perform surgery through her abdomen so she could urinate.  

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Ralph Delly is an award-winning music and entertainment journalist with extensive experience covering the Haitian Music Industry and the Haitian-American community. He has worked in Haiti and the United States at such media organizations as Radio Metropole, WNWK/107.5 FM, Radio Soleil d’Haïti and The Haitian Time – where he penned the popular “The Delly Dish” gossip column. Dellys has worked with numerous artists in the HMI, including Zin, Lakol, Phantoms, Zenglen, Sokute, Jam, See Well and 509 – to name a few. Delly graduated from Carlos Albizu University of Miami and City College of New York (CUNY)