Flordan Bazile, via Umass Dartmouth Corsairs

Police found the body of a star track-and-field athlete at the bottom of a river near his University of Massachusetts dorm on Tuesday. Flordan “Flo” Bazile, who is Haitian American, had been reported missing since Monday, according to the university and local media. He was 21.

The district attorney’s office says foul play is not suspected in the case.

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Ralph Delly is an award-winning music and entertainment journalist with extensive experience covering the Haitian Music Industry and the Haitian-American community. He has worked in Haiti and the United States at such media organizations as Radio Metropole, WNWK/107.5 FM, Radio Soleil d’Haïti and The Haitian Time – where he penned the popular “The Delly Dish” gossip column. Dellys has worked with numerous artists in the HMI, including Zin, Lakol, Phantoms, Zenglen, Sokute, Jam, See Well and 509 – to name a few. Delly graduated from Carlos Albizu University of Miami and City College of New York (CUNY)