martelly, Privert,
(L to R) Michel Joseph Martelly Former President of Haiti and Jocelerme Privert Former Acting President of Haiti

PORT-AU-PRINCE — Two former Haitian presidents, Michel Martelly and Jocerleme Privert, are among 36  high-ranking officials who have been ordered arrested in a corruption probe involving misappropriation of property from Haiti’s  National Center of Equipment (CNE). The crackdown is part of an expansive effort to address the longstanding issue of corruption within the country’s ministries and state offices. 

Judge Al Duniel Dimanche, the chief investigator in the CNE funds spending, has ordered the arrest of 36 former civil servants, including former prime ministers Laurent Lamothe, Jean Henry Ceant, Jean Michel Lapin, Jean Max Bellerive, Joseph Jouthe, Evans Paul, Enex Jean Charles and Garry Conille, among others.

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I am Juhakenson Blaise, a journalist based in the city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. I cover the news that develops in this city and deals with other subjects related to the experience of Haitians for the Haitian Times newspaper. I am also a lover of poetry.