Le Violon d'Adrien, Gary Victor,

Haitian novelist Gary Victor's latest work, "Le Violon d'Adrien," emerged as a contender in the "New Novel Outside Quebec" category for the 31st edition of the Prix des libraires du Québec. The book about a boy in 1970s Haiti who aspires to become a violinist is among 52 works vying for the adult category of this esteemed prize and one of 12 selected titles from outside Quebec. 

Published this year by Mémoire d'Encrier,Le Violon d'Adrien” narrates the tale of an underprivileged child yearning for a violin as he and other characters navigate a tumultuous daily existence. The novel intricately blends tenderness and suffering, as it recounts young Adrien’s journey into adulthood. Readers witness his loss of innocence as he unwittingly betrays family, friends and values to survive in a country where the aspirations of the humblest are thwarted, Victor has explained.

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Ralph Delly is an award-winning music and entertainment journalist with extensive experience covering the Haitian Music Industry and the Haitian-American community. He has worked in Haiti and the United States at such media organizations as Radio Metropole, WNWK/107.5 FM, Radio Soleil d’Haïti and The Haitian Time – where he penned the popular “The Delly Dish” gossip column. Dellys has worked with numerous artists in the HMI, including Zin, Lakol, Phantoms, Zenglen, Sokute, Jam, See Well and 509 – to name a few. Delly graduated from Carlos Albizu University of Miami and City College of New York (CUNY)