Jean-Max Bellerive, Nenel Cassy, Hervé Fourcand

The United States Department of State announced on Monday that it had imposed sanctions on more than 30 people around the world, including three former Haitian officials for having used their public power to take part in acts of corruption in Haiti. Two of officials' family members were also sanctioned.

These people who extend the list of Haitian personalities sanctioned by the United States are Jean-Max Bellerive, former Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and External Cooperation, former senators Nenel Cassy and Hervé Fourcand, read in a State Department press release, on Dec. 11.

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I am Juhakenson Blaise, a journalist based in the city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. I cover the news that develops in this city and deals with other subjects related to the experience of Haitians for the Haitian Times newspaper. I am also a lover of poetry.