caricom, Ariel Henry, haiti
Among the EPG delegation are Former Prime Ministers Honorable Kenny Anthony of Saint Lucia (fifth from left), Honorable Perry Christie of The Bahamas (fourth from left) and Honorable Bruce Golding of Jamaica (third from left) stand alongside Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry, second from right. Credit: Caricom

PORT-AU-PRINCE — The Caricom Eminent Persons Group (EPG) tasked with negotiating a new government for Haiti says it plans to provide a new agreement. The proposal to Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry and those who oppose him will be based on points discussed in previous talks.

“The Group will provide a draft framework of agreement for their consideration and discussion that takes into account the points the stakeholders have raised in the course of these commitments,” the EPG said in a Nov. 21 statement

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I am Juhakenson Blaise, a journalist based in the city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. I cover the news that develops in this city and deals with other subjects related to the experience of Haitians for the Haitian Times newspaper. I am also a lover of poetry.