Riot police officer fires tear gas at protesters in Nairobi [Luis Tato/AFP]

Kenya’s Supreme Court of Justice on Monday temporarily blocked the deployment of Kenyan police officers to Haiti after a politician challenged the United Nations-approved MSS mission last week, according to Kenya media and officials on X.

Former presidential candidate Ekuru Aukot and others argued in their Oct. 6 High Court filing that Kenya's constitution restricts police officers to operating within the country's borders. Aukot also noted in the legal documents that there had been no cabinet meeting to officially approve the deployment of police officers overseas.

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I am Juhakenson Blaise, a journalist based in the city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. I cover the news that develops in this city and deals with other subjects related to the experience of Haitians for the Haitian Times newspaper. I am also a lover of poetry.