GRANDE-RIVIERE-DU-NORD, Haiti—One of the most entrenched festivities in Haitian culture is the celebration of Saint Rose of Lima held in this northern town each year. The days-long feast, an essential occasion for local practitioners of the Catholic faith,  is also a significant event for Vodou faithfuls, who honor the lwa Erzulie Freda, the goddess of love and abundance.

Wednesday marked the last day of this two-day regional celebration with a mass that drew hundreds to the church, Paroisse Sainte Rose de Lima. Some in the crowd of faithful found themselves standing, while others opted to sit in the public square to participate.

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Web developer with a passion for technology. With a degree in computer science and business management from the École Supérieure d'Infotronique d'Haïti, he is a webmaster and writer for The Haitian Times, where he uses his development and writing skills to create quality websites and content.